onsdag 1 februari 2012

Ah what fun is that anyway :P But I started to work now so as you can see I had a slight decline in writing staticstics, so .. I can assure you im still alive anyway, my work and paperwork for work has taken over my time. You know when you just get hired how much stuff you have to learn, cause no same work operate the same way. Cool thing was that they have a deal with local bank office, so a person from the bank came here to help us set up an account, for me, that is awesome.

My pics are always exciting arent they? This is a few papers I got from work in one day to look over. No, seriously, it is not a book!

This is what an irish bus looks like, unfortunately the bus I take (210) to work, is not a doubledecker, but they are around, and they even have wifi on them!

I feel safe. Scania bus!! For those who dont know, Scania AB is a swedish automotive manufacturer :) 
Cork city centre at around 5pm, as seen by the window of the bus. Pretty, yeees.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Annie!

    Jag tänkte faktiskt skriva detta inlägget på engelska... Men sen ångrade jag mig ;)

    Hoppas du har det jätte bra i Irland! och att du trivs på ditt nya jobb. (Jag är inte alls avundsjuk!) Vill bara säga att jag saknar dig jätte mycket och hoppas på att du bor kvar i Irland tillräckligt länge så jag hinner hälsa på dig :)

    Kram på dig från din enda lilla syster! <3

    1. haha, jaa jag forstar varfor. Jag hade nog funderat over samma sak, jag funderade pa att svara pa engelska men det hade ju varit annu fanigare, sa ni far mina svar pa svenska :)

      Jag ar glad att ni laser min blogg! Tack for du tittar in o kommentarar, och sjalvklart hoppas jag du vill halsa pa! (o kanske du kan dra med dig din kille :D)

      kram kram lilla syster!
