tisdag 7 februari 2012

This is why...

You dont hear from me. I know, ok.. right now my life is not all that exciting, even for being in Ireland. I go to work early in the morning, get off from work, go look at a flat(apartment, house or whatever). Come home around 8pm after walking around lost in the beautiful Cork city centre, its hard to explain still why its beautiful... but ill try to explain.

Well ok this picture is way off topic... but... it keeps me awake at work! love it.. so amazing.. coffee... you.. aww <3

Ohh whats this? Is this from like the 1800's or something? No! its just another street in Cork.

Hah I knew they had cars back then!

No... cork, charming and rustic and so many cool people.. I swear. 

Have you ever been to a place where you dont feel comfortable sitting down, you try to lean against a wall and you wonder if that is the correct thing to do? that is the correct oposite of Cork.. here its like "ah come on have a seat wherever you like, kick up your shoes on the table I dont care!" Its hard not to be charmed by that, totally. 

2 kommentarer:

  1. Vill bara säga att dem svart vita bilderna ser ut som om det kommer från en skräckfilm

  2. Behöver en uppdatering syster. Hur går det för dig? Hittat någonstans att bo? Du är saknad!! Kramar!
